Wednesday 20 January 2016

Things to speak with the FS about

I am putting together a list of things to talk to our specialist about when we meet with her on February 15.
  • During our last embryo transfer, she mentioned something about some herbs that have shown some promising results, but as my legs were in stirrups I wasn't exactly retaining that knowledge! Hopefully I can find out more about that.
  • If DHEA is worthwhile for PCOS patients. Even though I seem to get lots of eggs, the quality is poor, and I am interested to know if DHEA would help in this
  • Any other herbs or supplements that she recommends
  • Whether regular ejaculation is a yay or nay before giving the sample. Murray's great results were after infrequent ejaculation, but we were told in the standard IVF literature we received to ejaculate every second day prior to giving a sample, which of course was our worst result, so I am hesitant to follow that advice again
  • Is it worth trying the endo scratch again? Man it hurt like crazy, but the results do suggest that it improves the odds significantly. 
  • Would a different style of cycle work? I've been doing FFSH with Orgalutran, but perhaps a down reg cycle with Lucrin instead of Syneral would work better (I wont agree to a Syneral cycle as the nose spray gives me horrific migraines, I would have to be on bed rest for the whole cycle).


  1. It's probably years since I've commented but wanted to just say hello and good luck with this one. Everything crossed for you. I didn't have PCOS (was suspected but turned out not to be so) but I'm convinced DHEA was the magic stuff that gave us our miracle boy - for what it's worth!! (Unlike you, I got virtually no eggs, and what I did get was poor quality. But it still happened!)

  2. I hope you get the green light for DHEA! I've still got the chin hairs from it (!) but I highly suspect it gave my raggedly eggs a charge. I am praying for you both this cycle x
