Sunday 20 October 2013


So we are approved. Basically that means we can become prospective adoptive parents for:

  • One child or a sibling group of no more than two children
  • A child or children up to 36 months (3years) of age
  • A child or children with normal or moderate care needs
  • A child or children born locally in Western Australia
So what does the normal and moderate care needs mean?
  • An adopted child with normal care needs is defined as a child who requires a level of personal, emotional and physical care needs consistent with which would be expected for their age group and experiences.
  • An adopted child with moderate care needs is defined as a child who because of disabilities or medical and/or psychological problems, requires a level of personal, emotional and physical care beyond which would be expected for his or her age group and experiences.
What happens now? Well we wait to hear from adoption services to work on our profile. I don't know if there is other paperwork or anything else that we need to do, but I guess we will find out.

We also need to tell adoption services if there are any changes to our situation that might impact on the care of an adopted child. That includes changing jobs, moving house, other people living in our house, health issues, changes to financial circumstances and major changes to our extended family. Here's hoping for none of those things happening!

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