Sunday 7 April 2013

Adoption Progress - House Inspection

One of the things I am dreading most about starting the assessment component of the adoption process, is the house inspection. I completely understand the need for a house inspection. After all, the state needs to determine that we can look after a child, and that includes providing them a safe environment to live in.

We live in an old house in the south-eastern suburbs of Perth. The house is probably around 40 years old, and to put it bluntly, it is falling apart. We have had two ceilings collapse since we moved in 7 years ago, and pretty much anything that can go wrong, does go wrong. The house is filled with cracks from earth movement, we've replaced both the ducted airconditioner and gas hot water system. Now we've discovered that our gorgeous cubby house in the backyard has been eaten out by termites and needs to be removed, along with Charlie's kennel.

There is a lot to do to bring our house up to the standard we want for raising a child in. So I'm finally asking for help. I hate asking, hate putting people out, hate inconveniencing people. But I'm asking. I'm putting the word out to our friends and family to help us get our house looking like it should. I'm not concerned about weeding the back yard, or a prettier letterbox (although those things would be lovely). I need help with stuff I can't do myself. For example we need to be able to put all of our laundry detergent and cleaning supplies out of reach of kids. Unfortunately we have no storage in our laundry, so I am hoping to be able to hang a cupboard above our trough and washing machine to house those things. There are other small things as well like our garage needs to be able to be locked as it contains garden chemicals.

We have gotten so far with this adoption process, yet we are still only at the beginning of our assessment. I just don't want anything to get between us being approved as adoptive parents. I really hope our friends and family are supportive and can help us get there.


  1. I live in Sydney, so am no help at all :-(

    I hope your friends and family are able to help out and get things done, you and Murray have worked so hard to get to where you are now.

    Whilst I totally get the need to make a home baby safe and baby friendly in order to adopt, it upsets me that you and Murray are being scrutinized so closely (as are all other adoption applicants), yet most people (those who had no trouble conceiving and having children) take their babies home from hospital into unknown, potentially unsafe homes, and nobody inspects the environment they take those babies into.

    Where is the fairness in it when the biological parents get no scrutiny at all?

    1. I know hon, I've thought these thoughts many a time, but I don't get angry anymore. It used to eat away at me, but I wont let it now. I just concentrate on our journey and try and stay positive.

  2. I think you should enter this:

    And hopefully luck will be on your side.

    Failing that, maybe make a list of everything that needs to be done and work out what you'd need to do it. If you can afford to get the bits required (like the shelving etc.) do that. Then, host a big 'house makeover party' and invite all your handy friends explaining what the party is for and why you need it. Put on some drinks and food throughout the day and you'd be surprised how much people can achieve.

    1. I'd love to win that prize!!
      We have actually done just that and created a busy bee and popped it on facebook. I'm amazed at how many people have offered to help already!

  3. Good luck! I'm thinking that we may have to do the same thing to get our house ready as well!

  4. Hi Bec, came across this blog and I'm tired of tickling everyone's fancy. House inspection, hm ... that's a good topic to write on a blog but in parody, maybe not funny ... By the way, nice post, I'd love if you like to pay back a visit and share on my blog too.

