Wednesday 29 July 2009

Cycle 9

Onto cycle 9 we go. I am on day 2 today and had my bloodtest and scan today. I start on 225iu of gonal-f tomorrow and go back in next Monday for another scan/bt. Also Murray will definitely be having TESA done, where they go directly into the testes to extract the sperm. I don't know a lot about it but I guess that will be my next topic of research for the next week! He is having the procedure done next Tuesday, in advance of our egg collection, and they will then freeze the sperm. The clinic believe that if they get the sperm from the testes, it might not have as much dna damage done to it, and also it may be more motile sperm. Fingers crossed they are right!

Would love to hear from anyone whose partner has been through TESA, and can let me know how it went?


  1. No to the TESA but thinking of you Bec. Sounds like a busy and stressful time for you. Hugs and lotsa love. xxxxx

  2. My DH hasn't had a TESA, but we are going to have to do a TESA or MESA or TESE to get our troopers. I am curious to know what you find out. Mel's book a good section on it though.

    Our clinic is making us do the retrival first, get the results of how good the sperm are....THEN cycle. They don't want me to shoot up and then they go in and find nothing (my DH has anejactulation)

    I am praying for you so hard. THis is such a hard thing to have to go through.

    Good luck!!

  3. Good luck with your cycle, hon! Sending you tons of love and support!

  4. Good luck to you. Praying for this cycle to be the one!

  5. My hubby had a PESA. He said it hurt like a bitch ... I came-to out of egg collection and he's standing there cupping his balls saying "YOU LIED!"

    And his balls were literally purple for over a week.

    Apart from that, it was fine. Good luck with it!

  6. Hey bec,
    Hope everything is going well...
    I've awarded you a Lovely blog award over at my blog.


  7. My husband had the TESA surgery done twice (1st to confirm there were sperm with the urologist who couldn't freeze them, but could get insurance to cover the surgery; and 2nd to get the sperm for ICSI). It was pretty painful. The urologist wasn't very gifted and DH was pretty messed up for about a month. The RE did a much better job and DH felt almost normal within about 2 weeks.

    We were unsuccessful with our IVF. We weren't told until afterwards that the sperm quality was lower because of the TESA and therefore our embryo quality was lower. I don't know if this is the case in all situations, but you might want to ask your RE to get his/her opinion.

    Good luck!
