Sunday 1 December 2013

Preparing a place for our child

So we are jumping in, not foolishly or without thought, but because we want to be faithful to the plan and put it out to the world. We are adopting our son or daughter. We are preparing a place for them to be part of our lives and our family.
Part of preparing for this child, is physically creating a space for them - setting up the nursery. As a step of faith, we are preparing the nursery. Part of this is for practicality's sake. We will only have a weeks notice when we are placed with a child, and we will be running around like headless chickens during that time! We certainly wont have time to paint and decorate a nursery in that time.

Part of it is selfishness. I know that there are a lot of things that we are going to miss out on having an adopted child rather than giving birth to a biological child. There are no photos going home from the hospital, no 0000 baby outfits, no baby shower to celebrate my womanhood and future child, no ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. The loss of pregnancy, birth and all that brings in today's world, isn't insurmountable, but I will miss it. But preparing the nursery - that is something I can do. I might not know the age of our child, or whether it is a boy or a girl, but our child will have a place that was prepared with love and care for them to rest their head. I can do that.

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