Saturday 9 February 2013

Adoption progress

I finished up my adoption medical report today at my GP's, and come Monday morning, it will be all sent of to the department! Once more thing to tick off our list! There was a concern over the ketone levels in my urine sample, but that is to be expected with my weight loss and the bariatric surgery. My cholesterol is back to normal levels, and I have dropped even more weight since my initial medical report, so my BMI is down to around 31/32. Cholesterol and weight were the things the medical panel were concerned with the last time round, so I'm hoping that this time I might get through unscathed!

Murray has been working really hard this past month to eat healthy and try and control his cholesterol through diet. In the process he has also lost 5kg which is a great result! We are going to wait another week or two and then send him off for his cholesterol check, and hopefully that shows an improvement, and we can finalise his medical report as well.

While we were at our GP's today, the doctor also did up Murray's referral to the IVF clinic, so as of Monday, both of us will have our referrals in place, and the countdown to the 'within 6 month' timeframe begins. 

All systems are go! We are slowly but steadily making progress on our house. Last year storms wiped out part of our side fence and left holes in our patio roof, and the year before our ceiling started to collapse and ever since is being held up with tek-screws. Well all that changes in 2013 - our patio roof has been replaced, my cars windscreen was replaced due to chemical damage, and in early March, our kitchen will have it's ceiling repaired, along with a new light fitting and getting painted!

Although it has been extremely difficult with Murray not working, we have made it through the other end and all the better for it. We are now a lot more careful with our money, and also know that we can cope if we ever drop down to one income if we need to. We owe Murray's parents a chunk of money which they lent us to tide us over, but that will all be repayed with our first pay check this month, Murray now has a spectacular job at a new school that he loves to death, and everything has turned out for the best.

I haven't posted too much about my weight loss on this side, but if anyone is interested, head over to Lose and Hope to check out my latest progress. So far I am down 35kg+ and am feeling great!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Bec, I'm a reader from BB and VF and have followed your journey for awhile. You sound very positive and happy. I hope 2013 is a wonderful year for you.
