Saturday 30 April 2011


My sincere apologies. I didn't mean to get so inebriated. But I am. Our friend announced that they are pregnant with their second baby. Their first little girl was born the same week that our little girl was meant to be. I am really in struggle town. But there isn't much I can do. I can only put it before God. I know not all of you believe, but I do. I know that God can change this for us. But it has to be his will. I pray that it is his will.  Because I don't know what is going to happen to me if it is not his will.


  1. I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how hard all this is. But know you are a beautiful person, and I hope only the best for you.

  2. I don't believe in God in a Christian sense but in more of a Universal sense. Either way, I wish God would give you and Murray a break. Your pain is my pain hun, it makes me so incredibly sad to see you both suffer. All I can do is pray for a miracle for you both xo

  3. sending you big hugs my sweet - we need to organise a catch up xxx

  4. Sending you lots of hugs-sounds like you need them at the moment. xx

  5. I'm so sorry Bec. This totally sucks. I have felt this way so many times. I don't know what I would do if the Lord's will was for us to remain in the state. How would I survive? I pray that this is not the path he will have you live, that you will be blessed with children. HUGS and love!

  6. Didn't want to read and run but wanted to send you my sympathies too, I know exactly how you feel - we are there too. Whatever the plan for you I'm glad just reading your posts - you make so many people feel better and help to bring down the taboo that is infertility. I hope that you are blessed very, very soon..
