Tuesday 12 January 2010

I've been tagged!

Thanks to the gorgeous Sarah at Oh the Possibilities - I've been tagged! So here are 10 Things That Make Me Happy!

10. Speaking to my youngest brother - he always cracks me up with his comedy
9. Receiving a card in the mail - I love real mail!
8. Doing something I never thought I could do like completing a triathlon
7. Giving gifts - my favourite pastime is picking out a present for a special occasion
6. Spending time with real friends
5. Listening to a brand new song that I've never heard before and it says everything you feel in your heart
4. Rainbows - thinking about God's promises to the world, I always get a bit teary
3. Handbags - oh how I love my Spencer & Rutherford handbags!
2. Snuggling up in bed with a good book
1. Hugs with my husband

1 comment:

  1. I love your list of happy things. I forget to focus on the small delights of life far too often and posts like this make me smile. Thanks for sharing, friend.
