Thursday 7 January 2010

Back to reality

Thank you for your thoughts and wishes over the last week. It has been rough but Murray and my friends have been a big support, being there when I needed to cry, and distracting me when I needed that instead. Life goes on and I am back at work, doing the usual slog.

Hmmm, that's not quite the attitude I want to have. I guess it's more apt to say that I am settling into a routine - work during the day, come home for an hour of tv, then off to the gym, dinner and then bed after reading a chapter of a book. It is good, it's comfortable, and it keeps me happy.

I don't do resolutions but I have set some goals and made plans for the year ahead. The first thing I want to do is this triathlon at the end of February. I did the same one last year but I want to do the short course rather than the mini version. It will stretch me, but I have eight weeks to get fit enough to do it, and I think can do it.

My other goals & plans for the year are:
  • do a pottery or art class
  • learn to sew - anyone in Perth want to show me how to use a sewing machine?
  • visit the Perth Observatory to see the stars in all their glory
  • learn a little bit of Malaysian for our trip in July
  • get pregnant and stay pregnant
Now all of those are achievable, but only the last one is out of my hands. But I am damn sure going to take control of what I can and do those things.

It's a new year and this is the new and improved me - the old me but with a better attitude to life.


  1. I want to learn how to sew too! Too bad that we live on different continents!

    I find that routine always helps me deal with the rough patches in life. I may be exhausted right now, but work is keeping my mind occupied. I don't know what I would do if I was a housewife!

    I really hope that this is the year for us Bec, I really do!

    Btw, I LOVE your new blog layout!

  2. Having a steady routine helps me make it through difficult times. It keeps me on auto-pilot. I hope you can do all of the things on your list and add joy to this year.

    Your strength inspires me. I hope this new year holds only good things for you.

  3. My name is Elisabeth, and I am a doctoral student conducting research on the impact of infertility on marriage. I was wondering if you and your husband would consider participating in my study by filling out an online survey? If so, please email me at . Also, you can learn more about me and my background at .

    My best to you-

  4. I have faith Bec that you can achieve ALL your goals for the year ahead....every single one of them.

