Saturday 21 February 2009


Last night I got absolutely drunk at a friends place and I am paying for it today. I have a bad hangover, I even capitulated and didn't go to boot camp for the first time - I was too scared I would be ill while climbing Jacob's ladder!

My period still hasn't arrived so I'm in limbo, but I'm fairly sure I will be going ahead with the FET, just so it's done and I know whether or not we are going to have a baby. I'm on day 39 today, after having a textbook 28 day cycle last month. And I thought my body might actually be fixing itself - how naive of me.

I'm planning on doing a big blog revamp in the coming month, when I get my butt into gear and figure out what exactly I want to do... stay tuned til the next episode...


  1. oohhh excited about the blog revamp! I am going to get my butt into gear and register with Danielle now. Glad you had a fun night out. And good on you for doing bootcamp. Bec are you NOR or SOR? I just wondered if you wanted to come to yoga one day? Im NOR xxxx

  2. Im near Cannington so SOR-ish. I work in Leederville though so pretty central to get anywhere. I'm always up for trying something new though, so let me know when it is on. Email is murraynbec at optusnet dot com dot au (seperated to avoid spam bots!)

  3. Aww you poor thing. I hope your head feels better soon. Take a nap and eat some dry toast. HUGS!!!
