Thursday 26 February 2009


Can my period please freaking arrive already. I know I'm not pregnant so come on! Last months cycle was only 27 days long, and now I am up to day 44 with no end in sight. I just want to try this last time and get it over and done with.
I am going in my first mini triathlon on Sunday and am starting to get nervous about. Its a 150m swim, 5k ride and 1.5km run which I think I can do, but I have never completed that combination before. I can't believe that me, the fat girl who used to get puffed out walking up the incline to my office, is actually going to be in a triathlon! There will undoubtedly be some sweaty photographic evidence which I will have to post, just to prove that I actually did it. God willing my period doesn't decide to show up on the day!


  1. That is just, plain - NOT FAIR!

    Have great time - you totally deserve it!

  2. I totally hear you! AF plays her stupid little games with me all the time too!

    Good luck with your triathalon!

    Come on AF!!!

  3. WOW, a triathlon?! Have so much fun and good luck!
    Come on AF!

  4. wow! a triathlon! that's awesome!

    i really hope that AF shows up soon, perhaps after the race?

  5. Just found your blog via Nichole's blog and wanted to stop by!

    Hope AF rears her ugly head for you soon...and hope the triathalon goes well for you, you're a better woman than I! Whereabouts in Perth is it being held?


  6. Good luck for the triathlon. And hoping AF comes soon and normal cycles resume for you xxxx
