Tuesday 20 January 2009

Still sick

But now with a cold rather than a virus. I sound like a man, that is if my voice decides to cooperate and let me speak at all. Am currently propped up on my couch so that I can sleep upright after not being able to sleep AT ALL last night. I didn't go in to work, instead I logged on remotely to my work server in my PJ's, and got done what I needed to do. Unfortunately work is too busy right now to actually take a sick day!

How much do I love my laptop right now! It's actually Murray's for school but he uses it rarely so it now has pride of place on my couch next to my sleeping spot :-) Am having issues with the wireless internet disconnecting every 5 minutes though - gah!

Starting to get the clucky bug again. I bid on a pram on ebay. I know, I'm stupid, tell me about it. But it was super cheap, and a brand that I like, and noone else had bid on it and, and , and... well yeah I back to being obsessed with babies. But I need to get my health and my head right first.

I don't believe in psychics as such, but I am sure that there are people out there who know a lot more than others, things that aren't overt or obvious, things that perhaps just come to them and happen to be right. Anyway, whatever you believe in, I decided to get an online reading done. I've had one done by this lady before and it has always been eerie how close she gets with some of her things. I have no doubt that half of this information is available on the net, I'm not that naive! But interesting all the same...

My topic for the reading was 'Having a family - babies & children'.

The response...

Ok the very first thing my guide is saying to me is that you have been on the baby train for a long time now. It is exhausting mentally and physically.
You know he is telling me that there is a bit of a diet factor and this is not about weight it is about sugar. It is very interesting to see that sugar is not for you. cut it out, also it is not good for your husband either and this means sugar drinks and sugar of all kinds, eat whole meal, wholegrain and make sure that you eat very low fructose as well. It is about the carbohydrates in your system. It is not helping with your fertility. This is something that needs to be adhered to while you are trying to conceive. I do feel that there is a doctor helping you and you have tried it all. But food is important. More important than you realise and low sugar or no sugar even for a couple of months will make your ovaries work better. This means no or very low carbs. No white carbs for sure.
Or so my guide says, I really am not medically trained and I am giving you what my guide is giving me. So it would be best he says to go to a fertility naturopath.

I certainly do feel that you have time in the future to have a child.



  1. I am so sorry you still aren't feeling well! Get well soon!

    Big Hugs

    BTW...what is a pram?

  2. Bugger that you're still sick my dear, but the wonders of technology have saved you...gosh I love laptops!

    That was a great reading, was it from the Aussie lady that "everyone" was using a few years ago online?

    Very interesting about cutting out sugar. Will you try it? Or are you already? I def. think getting healthy will play a vital role...but you knew that already. ;)

  3. Bec, I hope you feel better soon.

    Sometimes you just need to take a day off work - no job is more important than your health, remember that.

  4. Nichole - I guess you guys call a pram a stroller or something like that. This is the one I have been looking at :)

    Gwen - Yep that was from the same lady. Im skeptical beyond belief but its something I hadn't considered so am willing to take it on board anyway :)

    Thanks Lisa - Normally I would take the day. I guess Im feeling a bit insecure at work at the moment and am trying to prove myself. Silly i know!

  5. I hope you recover quickly Bec, feeling sick, while the weather is so beautiful is just miserable.Wow, that reading sounded really interesting didn't it? I wonder if there is any scientific link between white carbs and fertility? That said, I know cutting them out (mostly) has helped me lose weight and feel alot better. Thinking of you xxx

  6. I commend you for having an open mind, no matter how skeptical you are. I hope you're feeling better soon. Cute stroller. I love that red color.
