Monday 26 January 2009

Happy Australia Day!

Australia Day celebrates the landing of Captain Cook in Australia. It wasn't the first landing though, there were several sightings of the land down under, centuries earlier on the west coast, not counting of course the aborigines who have been here for tens of thousands of years before us. Australia Day is really important to me. It's about celebrating the country we live in and recognising that we really do live in 'the lucky country'.

We are heading off to my Mum's house for a barbecue lunch, and then watching the fireworks on TV, as the foreshore gets a little too crazy for us! Perth puts on the best celebrations for Australia Day than the rest of the country, probably because we don't do much for New Years Eve. Everyone has flags on their cars which personally I find a little bogan, but I guess that's aussie pride for you!
I wish everyone a very happy Australia Day!


  1. Happy Australia Day to you too! I wish I could have a day off to celebrate with you, even though we live no where near you! ;)

  2. Happy Aussie day! It was so funny when you posted on my blog that you had a cold in the summer...last week. I had to think about that for a minute and then it hit me...DUH!!!! She lives in Australia - of course it's summer there now! So funny how we get lost in our own little worlds. LOL

    I hope you had a fantastic weekend!
