Wednesday 28 January 2009

He came home for a minute while I was in the shower and left me a note -

Bec, it’s not the most romantic gesture but I stole you a tyre for Boot Camp from that Diamond Car dealer near Muzz Buzz.

I’m going to go for a walk, need some fresh air.

Love you

All is not forgiven but my anger is subsiding.
I just want him to understand how important this is to me. One day the kids will know what happened at this time, and I want them to know how important they are to me, and that I cared enough to make the effort to see them and spend time with them. I would only hope that if I were somehow seperated from my children, that others would do the same.


  1. Bec,
    So sorry for the strain that this already-bad situation is putting on your marriage.

    FWIW I think you're 100% right. Family is family, and these kids' lives were difficult to begin with, but the upheaval must be so confusing. A familiar face would probably be a great comfort to them.

    Hopefully the Australian system is better, but the U.S. foster system can be a nightmare, and some foster families are worse than the families from which children were removed. I would do anything to ensure that any of my relatives' kids were saved from that.

    But, I wonder if Murray thinks it is a slippery slope. If the kids start sleeping over one night a week, it could turn into more, then every night, then suddenly you're adopting them all.

    I hope that you can get through to him.

  2. Bec - I am SO sorry you and Murray are having to go through this. It is a tough situation. I just want you to know that I am praying for you - and the kids!

  3. i'm glad that he was apologetic, which is something big.

    i honestly think that the kids will be better off with a family member. i couldn't bear the thought of my nieces or nephews in foster care when i would be prepared to take care of them.

    at least you are someone that they know and trust. the kids need stability right now and you can offer that to them.

    i hope that he comes around soon.

    hugs to you and thanks for the bday wishes.

  4. Bec, I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. It's difficult enough to be worried about the kids but to have to deal with all the stress in your own home is overwhelming. I'm sorry, friend.

    I admire you for your willingness to be there for the children-they are incredibly lucky to have you as an aunt.

    And I also wanted to thank you for your last comment. I needed the virtual hug more than you know. Thank you.

  5. wrote a big long msg but deleted it.., I love reading your blogs only found them today I wish things were different. I found a few comments quite hurtful but that's ok it's what you've been told, wish you knew the whole story and that you could be more in the loop epspecialy now that me and mit or bk on track where we were before our lives caved in a huge heap.I saw the comment at the top of this pg and burst into tears just wanted to say it's right they were worse off in care the things that have come out of my daughters mouth make me cringe i will never forgive them for those 1st 3months. I just got a house moving on the 24th and getting lilly bk shortly after I have been having her the last 7months when my mum has respite one wk/end a month, mit's going for parole in 3wks and if that goes well he can come home jordan's been saving his pocket money he wants to get daddy a blue car with no roof on it. dcp are finally starting mit on 2 visit's a month after constant hasseling. And mit knows he has to be on his best behaviour as the owner of the rental shares a common wall. blah i'm rambling i really only wanted to say as we get them bk your welcome to see more of them without dcp and hope you would like to meet Jackson someday too. Mit named him after Dinga and my favourite grampa Jack. He wasn't sure how to tell people he wanted to use the name at 1st heather made fun of it before people knew why it meant so much to us. hope you don't mind me trying to share my feelings.
